Writing Module 9: The direct object pronoun

1. Write 5 sentences that contain a direct object. Then write the sentence again replacing the direct object with a direct object pronoun.  Keep it simple.

Yo leo el libro. Yo lo leo.

2.  Re-write your sentences using the present progressive. Write a sentence placing the pronoun in both positions.

Yo estoy leyendo el libro.  Yo lo estoy leyendo.  Yo estoy leyĆ©ndolo.

3.  Re-write your sentences using an expression that contains an infinitive. Write a sentence placing the pronoun in both positions.

Yo voy a leer el libro.  Yo lo voy a leer.  Yo voy a leerlo.

4.  Save your document and email it to me at james.abraham@gccaz.edu

5.  Enter your username
 here and press the Submit button.